About the Tarot Card system
~ Example Tarot Skill Building Decks

Example Decks:

There are a plethora of decks on display here. This is because, unlike in most other cartomancy systems, the imagery depicted on the Tarot card being read conveys a significant portion of the message. It is recommended therefore to select decks that are not only a comfortable extension of the reader, but that also fittingly mesh with both the querent and the venue. Consider carefully about choosing a borderless deck as your regular use deck though, as it will not hold up as well as a bordered deck.

Pip Decks

1 Magician - Arcana Full Tarot Deck  Arcana Full Tarot Deck  - (revised artwork version)
Why: Neoclassicist style, pen illustrated Court and Majors. Pip Minors. Good readability. Sized and intended as a Playing card deck when you remove the Knights and Majors.
- Note that this is a prestidigitators deck with additional gaff cards.

Ten of Wands - Marseille Cat Tarot  Marseille Cat Tarot
Why: A lightened up Marseille-styled Tarot deck. Anthropomorphic cats make the stodgy antecedent Majors far more palatable. Pips-only Minors helpfully also sport tiny posed cats.

RWS-system Decks

0 Fool - Ancestral Path Tarot  Ancestral Path Tarot  - (original artwork version)
Why: Interesting new-agey synthesis deck, where the Minors are unconventionally divided into four separate ancestral groups. Deck is of mixed readability.

Page of Rods - Anna.K Tarot  Anna.K Tarot  - (original artwork version)
Why: Many of the deliberately informal images depict overlooked aspects of a cards meaning. Tiny labels coerce you to absorb the image first. Average readability.

Three of Cups - Awaken Tarot  Awaken Tarot  - (bordered version)
Why: Gold embossed borders and labels. Very readable. Full-color drawings of your neighbors in thier normal clothing imitating RWS poses.

Five of Swords - Baseball Tarot  Baseball Tarot
Why: The mythology of Baseball dovetails well with Tarot. Unique, understandable imagery. Oracle sized and styled cards are awkward. Courts can be a bit tricky to read.

6 Lovers - Connolly Tarot  Connolly Tarot
Why: Softened imagery and gentler labels are comfortable around most Christians. Good readability. Many folks find the stained-glass style artwork appealing.

Eight of Wands - Cosmic Tarot  Cosmic Tarot
Why: Color washed pen and ink illustrations of Interpretive Dancers who resemble movie stars. Draws upon Golden Dawn esotericism. Deck is of mixed readability.

21 World - Everyday Tarot  Everyday Tarot
Why: Pocket-sized deck suited for "rough handlers" to mangle. Images are abbreviated to their minimal RWS silhouette form, to keep the small cards easy to decipher.

Four of Wands - FateShifters Astrology Tarot Deck  FateShifters Astrology Tarot Deck
Why: Beautifully rendered digital art, from several artists having a matching style. Images posed similar to RWS, making cards very easy to read.
- Note that included as a supplement is a full set of zodiac and planet cards.

5 Hierophant - Fradella Adventure Tarot  Fradella Adventure Tarot - [supplement]
Why: The pagan-god comparable archetypes in super-hero comics dovetail well with Tarot. Motivations of even unidentified characters are quickly comprehended.

Ten of Cups - Fyodor Pavlov Tarot  Fyodor Pavlov Tarot
Why: Intelligently envisioned pen drawings with watercolor highlights, that exude a bit of a rural Russia feel. Good readability. A tasteful Queer friendly deck.

3 Empress - Golden Art Nouveau Tarot  Golden Art Nouveau Tarot
Why: Thick matured characters, drawn in an Art Nouveau style, imitating RWS poses. Very readable. Gold foil embossing catches passerby's attention from a distance.

Eight of Pentacles - Golden Thread Tarot  Golden Thread Tarot  - (revised artwork version)
Why: Waterproof plastic cards for outdoor use. Minimalist iconographic etchings, in gold foil on a black background, look attractive under candle light. Average readability.

Six of Pentacles - The Halloween Tarot  Halloween Tarot
Why: An amusing themed deck, imitating RWS image poses. For light-hearted readings to persons just wanting to be entertained (look for the cat). Fairly easy to read.

8 Strength - Hanson-Roberts Tarot  Hanson-Roberts Tarot
Why: Colored pencil close-ups of friendly, hobbit-like characters. These smaller sized, good readability RWS inspired cards include Spanish labels. A sound option around children.

Queen of Pentacles - Hoi Polloi Tarot  Hoi Polloi Tarot
Why: A mod, abbreviated, felt pen colored RWS clone from the dawn of the Age of Aquarius. Proffered to Seniors as a nostalgic option for their reading.

Eight of Cups - Mermaid Tarot  Mermaid Tarot
Why: Realistically rendered fantasy mer-folk in differing habitats, though regrettably borderless. Average readability, with many images eliciting new perspectives.

IV Emperor - Mountain Dream Tarot  Mountain Dream Tarot  - (3rd edition version)
Why: Borderless reproduction of the historic fully photographic deck from 1975, which features the photographers friends imitating RWS poses. Good readability.

20 Tower - The Norse Tarot  Norse Tarot
Why: Viking themed deck with unaccustomed image and meaning associations. Art is framed with an elaborate border. Majors are assigned a Rune, and depict Nordic myth.

VII The Chariot - Pastoral Tarot  Pastoral Tarot
Why: Mixed readability RWS inspired borderless colored sketches of Nice Washed rural life from a century ago, featured appropriately in a unique landscape orientation.

9 Hermit - Sharman-Caselli Tarot  Sharman-Caselli Tarot  - (revised artwork version)
Why: Excellent readability. Tasteful colored pencil imagery is concise and emotionally understandable by even those unfamiliar with the Tarot. Great RWS alternative for Ren Faires.

Nine of Wands - Tarot of the Witch's Garden  Tarot of the Witch's Garden  - (corrected version)
Why: Targeted at Youths. Drawn borderless harvest season deck of motherly green witches and fairytale nature characters. Not too cloying or stridently pagan. Descent readability.

Three of Swords - Tarot of Timeless Truth  Tarot of Timeless Truth  - (original artwork version)
Why: Manipulated photographic "contemporary neolithic" imagery. Although some images are odd, helpful keywords are subtlely included as an aid. Grandparents seem to like this deck.

Thoth-system Decks

Five of Cups - Arcana Iris Sacra  Arcana Iris Sacra
Why: A Thoth-system Tarot deck, with details abbreviated to their minimal iconographic form. Minors display both their astrological and keyword associations.

Seven of Cups - The Gill Tarot  Gill Tarot
Why: A Thoth-system Tarot deck, that strives to be somewhat less difficult to read than most. Minors are numbers, with supplemental pictures and keywords.

Novelty Decks

4 of Pentacles - Dark Grimoire Tarot  Dark Grimoire Tarot
Why: For gothic fans. H.P. Lovecraft mythos inspired. Marseille-ordered abstruse RWS drawings in a 60s direful comicbook story-arc style. Requires contemplation to grasp.

Knight of Swords - The Fountain Tarot  Fountain Tarot
Why: Exciting contemporary RWS deck using crisp avant-garde imagery. Average readability, but leans more towards being a modern-art piece than a working deck.
- Note that this is an Expanded deck with an additional divinatory card.

Three of Swords - Life Is Like A Board Game Tarot  Life Is Like A Board Game Tarot
Why: Inspired by the classic Monopoly game board. An inoffensive neutral RWS deck, to appease PC-persons of all age ranges. Low readability however, due to a shortage of imagery.

King of Cups - Maori Tattoo Tarot  Maori Tattoo Tarot
Why: Novelty RWS deck inspired by New Zealand sources. Images represent tattoos on a persons arm. Fun, but challenging to read. Way more of an art piece than a working deck.

9 of Swords - Nicoletta Ceccoli Tarot  Nicoletta Ceccoli Tarot
What: Extremely unconventional imagery. Assembled from preexisting unnerving surrealistic paintings, so difficult to read. Recommended to be used strictly for shadow work.

Queen of Wands - Science Tarot  Science Tarot
Why: An oddly themed deck. Conventional RWS Tarot imagery is intelligently substituted with modern scientists and scientific concepts. Requires effort to comprehend fully.

Two of Swords - Thomson-Leng Tarot  Thomson-Leng Tarot  - (replica version)
Why: British deck from 1935. Comic page style artwork. Quirky to read, as Elements are swapped and design is influenced by fringe Tarot schools. For seekers of the peculiar.

18 Moon - Vision Quest Tarot  Vision Quest Tarot
Why: Pastel colored deck of heavily Nice Washed and romanticized Native American images. Thoth-influenced, but labels greatly modified to match the theming. Challenging to read.

Notes about the Card Decks:
   The selected card image has no significance other than to exhibit the decks artwork style.
   Click on the Flip Through Icon [] to watch a video showing more images of the cards in the deck.
   The "Why:" paragraph below the card image is a blurb describing what makes the deck worthy.
   Click on the decks Title to preview the user manual that comes with the deck.
   Click on the card Image to read a reviewers externally linked comments about the deck.
    (reviews/videos were chosen for their illustrative value only, and should not be construed as author/store endorsements)