The 78-card deck chosen as an example is the Rider-Waite-Smith inspired Sharman-Caselli Tarot. However as Tarot is all about the emotional impact of the card imagery, rather than showing all of the cards from just this deck, the Major and Court cards were replaced with cards from different decks which depict the individual cards meaning superbly. Be aware also that since in Fortune Telling the number on a Major card holds no significance (only Esotericists use them), the Major cards are listed here in their conventional English alphabetical name order instead.
It cannot be stressed enough that Tarot cards are extremely nuanced. It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words, and that is never more true than with the Tarot. Any singular keyword associated with a card can only hope to describe but one aspect, and sometimes it doesn't even do that very well. This is why fully illustrated Minor Arcana cards are so superior, and why each Tarot reader should base deck acquisitions upon how the imagery resonates with them personally.
Chariot - Control |
Death - Transition |
Devil - Ambition |
Emperor - Manliness |
Cancer - Confidently unite conflicting energies, to drive on to victory. |
Scorpio - Mourn it or cheer it, but this page shall be turned. |
Capricorn - Addictions and attachments are being self imposed. |
Aries - Be fatherly, assertive, brave, and bold. |
Empress - Womanliness |
Fool - Adventure |
Hanged Man - Introspection |
Hermit - Contemplation |
Venus - Be motherly, graceful, adaptable, and tactful. |
Uranus - Fresh and inexperienced, who knows where the path will lead? |
Neptune - Pause, and make the sacrifice of considering things from a different perspective. |
Virgo - Solitarily poke around, while ruminating and organizing your thoughts. |
Hierophant - Tradition |
High Priestess - Research |
Judgement - Summation |
Justice - Adjustment |
Taurus - Pay attention to authorities, institutions, or doctrine. |
Moon - Arcane secrets are obscured; but knowledge can be uncovered and contemplated. |
Pluto - Courageously face and accept the grades on your report card. |
Libra - Objectively cut away whatever is necessary to bring things back into balance. |
Lovers - Relationship |
Magician - Expression |
Moon - Confusion |
Star - Hope |
Gemini - Faced with a vexing choice that impacts a union. |
Mercury - Clever creation by willpower and desire. |
Pisces - Experiencing a whirlwind of delusions, fantasies, and bizarre intuitive creativity. |
Aquarius - Succor, peace, and healing now; with a promise of reward if you stay the course. |
Strength - Restraint |
Sun - Clarity |
Temperance - Synthesis |
Tower - Destruction |
Leo - Gently allay potent emotional forces. |
Sun - Experiencing Apollonian lucid intellect, youthful energy, and a harmonious disposition. |
Sagittarius - Blend doses of extreme elements to form a moderate new mix. |
Mars - A structure, institution, or belief is going to suddenly be revealed as false. |
Wheel of Fortune - Luck |
World - Graduation |
Jupiter - Experiencing a time of good fortune. |
Saturn - Happily dance forth into the world with your earned diploma. |
↓ rank suit → |
♠ SWORDS - Air |
♣ WANDS - Fire |
♦ PENTACLES - Earth |
♥ CUPS - Water |
1 - Opportunity |
Supposition |
Inspiration |
Acquisition |
Excitement |
2 - Decision |
Deadlock |
Planning |
Vicissitude |
Friendship |
3 - Investment |
Worries |
Prospects |
Exhibition |
Revelry |
4 - Establishment |
Meditation |
Celebration |
Retainment |
Dissatisfaction |
6 - Routine |
Solution |
Leadership |
Goodwill |
Sentimentalism |
7 - Envisioning |
Guile |
Competition |
Impatience |
Daydreams |
8 - Perseverance |
Anxiety |
Enthusiasm |
Diligence |
Separation |
9 - Attainment |
Despair |
Determination |
Prosperity |
Happiness |
5 - Humiliation |
Defeat |
Strife |
Outcast |
Regret |
10 - Retirement |
Cessation |
Responsibility |
Legacy |
Contentment |
Judgemental |
Charismatic |
Bossy |
Caring |
Focused |
Pioneering |
Resistive |
Idealistic |
(Air vehicle travel) |
(Land vehicle travel) |
(Self-propelled travel) |
(Water vehicle travel) |
Inquisitive |
Versatile |
Committed |
Creative |
Independent |
Confident |
Practical |
Intuitive |
Notes about the example cards:
Deck is divided into three Groups - Major, Court and Pip.
Courts and Pips are divided into three Suits - Swords, Wands, Pentacles, and Cups.
Courts are divided into four Nobles - Page, Knight, Queen, and King.
Pips are divided into ten ascending Ranks - numbered Ace through Ten.
Pip Ranks are divided into three Sets - Transient, Habitual, and Setback.
Hovering the mouse over a card image will reveal the name of the deck the card was taken from.
To the left of the Suit name is its equivalent Playingcard Suit symbol.
To the right of the Suit name is its associated Element.
To the right of both the Noble name and Rank number is its associated Keyword.
Below the Noble name is an alternative interpretation for the Nobility.
On the upper left of each Major card is the cards English name.
The English name for a Court or Pip card is a combination of the Rank and Suite name.
On the upper right of each Major card, and above each Court and Pip card, is the cards Keyword.
On the lower left of each Major card is its Astrological association.
On the lower right of each Major card is an interpretive phrase.
Below each Page card is an alternative time/place interpretation for the card.
Below each Knight card is an alternative method interpretation for the card.
Keywords are merely a memory aid for novices. Although they do express a single aspect of a card, the keyword may not reflect the actual message that the card is wishing to convey in a particular Spread. Each Tarot card embodies a range of standard related meanings, along with further expressions proffered in the cards unique imagery, so the forecaster should never just regurgitate a cards keyword during a reading.
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