Fortune Telling Fun
This websites intent is to acquaint the visitor with various fortune telling systems and mystical items, and suggests how to use them for entertainment purposes.
While the various system histories and metaphysical associations are intriguing, they are of only incidental import to a fortune teller, and so are only mentioned in passing.
Although gentle tool handling is strongly encouraged, this website does not concern itself with how these tools might be used, cleansed, or otherwise treated for spiritual or esoteric purposes.
Mystical Subjects
|Arcanum| (submenu includes: A hodgepodge of mystical books and decks for edification.)
Major Fortune Telling Systems
|Astrology| (submenu includes: Natal and Horary. Much information, from simple introductions to highly technical essays.)
|Cartomancy| (submenu includes: Endora, Kipper, Tarot, and Lenormand. Efficacious lessons on how to tell fortunes using various card systems.)
|Numerology| (submenu includes: Arithmetic and Calendric. Descriptions of the various forms of forecasting by calculation.)
- Dice-Throw Meanings (*.pdf)
- Domino Divination (*.pdf)
- Tabletop-Dice Casting (*.pdf)
- Mini-Course in Pendulum Dowsing (*.pdf book)
- Yes-No Focused Intention Chart (*.pdf manual)
- Of Geomancy (*.pdf antiquated book)
- Principles of Astrological Geomancy (*.pdf book)
- Proposal to encode Geomantic Figures (*.pdf)
- Applied Graphology (*.pdf)
- Palm Reading (*.pdf)
- Beginner's Guide to Runes (*.pdf)
- Nine Worlds (*.pdf)
- Rune Casting Board (*.jpg)
- Miscellaneous
- Ketsuekigata (*.pdf)
- Paper Fortune Teller (*.pdf) = Folding Template only. Must decorate with your own meanings.
- Psychic Circle (*.pdf manual)
Be aware that many fortune telling systems have been adapted as cards!