- Take everything you read here with a grain of salt! -        


Coup of the Aliens (*.pdf book)
Using Multistatic Passive Radar for Real-Time Detection of UFOs in the Near-Earth Environment (*.pdf)
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Kitsune - The Mythical Creatures Oracle  Mythical Creatures Oracle
Why: Teaching deck proposing the characteristics and Totemic domains of alien creatures from mythologies. Also an Oracle deck utilising Spreads and Reversals.


Famous Horses and their people (*.pdf book)
Spirit Animal Pocket Guide (*.pdf)
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0 The Mouse and Buttercup - Woodland Wardens  Woodland Wardens
Why: Teaching deck where animals are sensibly matched with a plant and a trait keyword. Anatomically correct colored pencil drawings. Utilizes Spreads and reversals.


Introduction to Candle Magic (*.pdf)
Magnetic Therapy (*.pdf book)
Mood Stone Colors (*.txt)
Synchronicity (*.pdf book)
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2 Abundance - Magickal Spellcards  Magickal Spellcards
Why: Deck is essentially a card file of common incantations. Display a card as a reminding centerpiece when performing Candle Spellcasting Magic.


Diamond Grade (*.pdf)
Geologic Eras (*.jpg)
Lithium and Lithium Crystals (*.pdf book)
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Chrysoprase - The Stone Deck  Crystals: The Stone Deck
Why: Useful aid in "Crystal" work, as one method for your subconscious to emote its mineral need. Mineral photo, with label and irreverent description on cards back.


Smudging with Sage and Herbs (*.pdf)
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5 Cerato - Flowers Oracle  Flowers Oracle  - (revised artwork version)
Why: Useful aid in "Bach Flower" work, as one method for your subconscious to emote its floral need. Flower name with Art Nouveau style illustration.


Japanese Spirit and Culture (*.pdf book)
Mechanistic View of War and Peace (*.pdf book)
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Hedonist - Archetype Cards  Archetype Cards
Why: Useful aid for "present life" work. Face-up choose-your-cards method is typically employed.

10 Pay Attention To Signs - Heal Yourself Reading Cards  Heal Yourself Reading Cards
What: Remediation cards specifically intended for persons born with a womb. Sharp woman targeted watchwords chosen to jolt attitude refocusing.

9 Roman Hand Amulet - The Phoenix Cards  Phoenix Cards
Why: Useful aid for "past life" work. Face-up choose-your-cards method is typically employed.

     Direct subconscious communication:

       4 - The Golden Moth Illumination Deck  Golden Moth Illumination Deck - [supplement]
       Why: Miniature cards. Gives the subconscious a method to relate a story non-verbally. Like with "OH" cards, images should be freely intuitively reinterpreted at each reading.

       43 Lemon - The Secret Language of Color Cards  Secret Language of Color Cards
       Why: Color elicits strong emotional response. Face-up pick-a-card draw method lets your subconscious emote in a completely non-verbal/non-image based manner.


Krampus (*.pdf)
Psychic Self-Defense Personal Training Manual (*.pdf book)
Sun adoration (*.mp4)
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Isaac Newton - Saints and Mystics Reading Cards  Saints and Mystics Reading Cards  - (revised artwork version)
Why: Useful aid for "spiritual" work. Soulful bequests from some significant historical figures. Can utilize small Spreads of Saints, Mystics, or both.

Notes about the Card Decks:
   The selected card image has no significance other than to exhibit the decks artwork style.
   Click on the Flip Through Icon [] to watch a video showing more images of the cards in the deck.
   The "Why:" paragraph below the card image is a blurb describing what makes the deck worthy.
   Click on the decks Title to preview the user manual that comes with the deck.
   Click on the card Image to read a reviewers externally linked comments about the deck.
    (reviews/videos were chosen for their illustrative value only, and should not be construed as author/store endorsements)