The Madame Endora's Fortune Cards system is a Forecasting Oracle card system of 48 cards. The cards Name is the identifying label of the card.
This set of 8 Elements cards represent indifferent ever-present environmental Energies that the querents quest has brought to the forefront.
~ Be mindful that The Elements can be divided into four concordant pairs of proddingly expressing Celestial and overtly expressing Elemental cards.
This set of 10 Realm of Fable cards represent outside Forces that are influencing the querent. They can guide, hinder, motivate, or otherwise affect the querents quest.
This set of 8 Royal Court cards represent Persons with this disposition, of any age or gender, who are directly influencing the querent. Occasionally though it will be the querents own internal voice that is prompting the querent themself to currently ruminate or act in the manner of this disposition.
~ Be mindful that The Royal Court can be divided into four concordant pairs of obliquely expressing Masculine and frontally expressing Feminine cards.
This set of 10 Bestiary cards represent differing symbolic archetypes embodying unique behaviors. They are available qualities and truths that the querent can incorporate for their quest.
This set of 12 Treasury cards represent different symbolic artifacts imbued with unique properties. They are available insightful bestowments that can assist the querent in their quest.
Note: On this webpage "Love" has been renamed "The Heart", so that the naming convention better aligns with the other symbolic artifact cards within the set.
Notes about the example cards:
Above each card is the cards name.
Below each card is its associated Keyword.
Clicking on a card image will bring forth interpretive details about the card.
Deck is divided into two Groups - External and Internal.
The External group is divided into three Sets - Elements, Realm of Fable, and Royal Court.
The Internal group is divided into two Sets - Bestiary, and Treasury.
The Elements and Royal Court are both divided into Pairs, with playingcard suit symbols indicating their affiliation.
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