Example Decks:

Dadirri - Aboriginal Dreamtime Oracle  Aboriginal Dreamtime Oracle
Why: Targeted parables. Useful when someone wants "a reading", but doesn't have any particular question in mind they want answered. Single-card draw, then read the parable.

Ceremony - Earth Magic Oracle Cards  Earth Magic Oracle Cards
Why: Picturesque digital scenes encompassing the energies in nature. Family friendly. Deck assists with reconnecting to the various manifestations of Mother Earth.

43 Poison - The Maine Oracle  Maine Oracle
Why: Small fine art drawings with a stereotype "Maine-sensibilities" theme. Draw one card. A poem identifies the image, then suggests how it relates to your situation.

Full Moon in Gemini - Moonology Oracle Cards  Moonology Oracle Cards
Why: Useful as a single-card "influences" draw. Cites Horary lunar occurrences to paraphrase the current imposing environmental energies.

No Trips Without a Tripper - Morgan's Tarot  Morgan's Tarot
Why: Reprint of the very first Oracle deck. Monochrome cartoonish drawings, with a thought-provoking California Hippie vibe. An ideal deck to bring to your next love-in.

Ascending the Mountain - Sacred Traveler Oracle Cards  Sacred Traveler Oracle Cards
Why: Storybook style pastel imagery. Travel Guide-like advice for your current journey. Family friendly, and can utilize Spreads.

Notes about the Card Decks:
   The selected card image has no significance other than to exhibit the decks artwork style.
   Click on the Flip Through Icon [] to watch a video showing more images of the cards in the deck.
   The "Why:" paragraph below the card image is a blurb describing what makes the deck worthy.
   Click on the decks Title to preview the user manual that comes with the deck.
   Click on the card Image to read a reviewers externally linked comments about the deck.
    (reviews/videos were chosen for their illustrative value only, and should not be construed as author/store endorsements)