Caution: Angelic Oracles are an unorthodox form of cartomancy that supposedly invites benevolent beings to engage in a dialog with the user. If you are uncomfortable giving permission, do not use "Angel" cards.

Example Decks:

Trader - Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards  Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards
Why: Deck utilizes Spreads. Proffers actions that can be undertaken, rather than just passively revealing insights, from the supposed medium of versed Spirit Guides.

Raccoon - Children's Spirit Animal Cards  Children's Spirit Animal Cards
Why: Useful as a single-card "parental advice" draw. Imparts an admonition at your subconscious disquiet, from the supposed medium of pragmatic Animal Guides.

Diana - Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards  Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards
Why: Useful as a single-card "consolation" draw, especially after a troubling read. Assuages your subconscious distress, from the supposed medium of caring Spirit Guides.

Humpback Whale - Messages From Your Animal Spirit Guides Oracle Cards  Messages From Your Animal Spirit Guides Oracle Cards
Why: Useful as a single-card "considerations" draw. Offers an insight for resolving your subconscious bewilderment, from the supposed medium of wise Animal Guides.

Notes about the Card Decks:
   The selected card image has no significance other than to exhibit the decks artwork style.
   Click on the Flip Through Icon [] to watch a video showing more images of the cards in the deck.
   The "Why:" paragraph below the card image is a blurb describing what makes the deck worthy.
   Click on the decks Title to preview the user manual that comes with the deck.
   Click on the card Image to read a reviewers externally linked comments about the deck.
    (reviews/videos were chosen for their illustrative value only, and should not be construed as author/store endorsements)