28 - Original Kipper          28 - Short Time

Original Title = Expectation.  (Erwartung.)

Imagery = A young woman with a rose in her hair [willingness] and clutching a closed fan [openness] leans over her veranda to gaze down her driveway in expectation [soon].
{illustration goof - the wall is illogical}

This card represents a length of time which would be considered short given the circumstance.
This card is correspondent to card 35; and exudes a Neutral tone.

This card typically appears as a TIMING clarifier to the card it is interacting with in a Spread (and might be judged as a lesser form of card 35). The length of "short" is relative to the circumstance and not to the calendar.

Note that it is recommended that in order to not derail the timing, that you remain quietly paitent during the wait.

|| In the past this card was often titled "Expectation", and indicated a short wait. ||