19 - Original Kipper          19 - Thwarted

Original Title = A Death.  (Ein Todesfal.)

Imagery = A closed casket surrounded with fresh mourning wreaths and lit candles [now] indicates that the casket is occupied by a corpse [cessation].
{illustration goof - the proportions are incorrect}

This card represents failing to accomplish the goal.
This card is the opposite of card 15; and exudes a Negative tone.

This card describes PROGRESS, and can be judged as a greater form of card 14.

Note that while this card this card will indicate thwarting of an associated card or situation in a Spread, it is typically just a break-point and usually does not signify the entire outcome of the Spread. Changing tack or intervening forces might therefore still cause the desired objective to eventually be achieved.

The thwarting may be intentionally caused by another player, be an unintentional consequence of your own actions, or may just be a casualty of unconcerned events. Thwarting can be advantageous, so in a Spread it can also be an indicator that something will be successfully ended.

Important: This card is never referring to transformation.

|| In the past this card was often titled "Ending", and indicated conclusion or termination. ||